Doraemon, a manga series by the celebrated manga artist Fujiko F. Fujio, is beloved in Japan and throughout the world. “I am Doraemon” portrays on its exterior Doraemon with a great smile on his face. When you open it up, a whimsical line drawing of Doraemon greets you to cheer you on throughout the day.
The cover is full of fun details; the background features the signature deep blue hue of Doraemon, his collar and tail pop with red, and the bell charms with yellow.
The artwork was custom oil-painted specifically for the Hobonichi Techo, and its dynamic strokes give off a feeling like Doraemon could spring into action at any moment.
The interior color is ivory to complement the blue base of the artwork. The two round charms on the bookmarks evoke the image of Doraemon’s spherical hands.
In order to provide you with the most satisfaction for your product, we've compiled a list of warnings, potential issues, and tips to keep in mind for this particular product. Please be sure to read this information carefully before placing your order.
Each item is individually assembled and sewn by hand by a factory worker. Best efforts are made to ensure consistent sizes and specifications, but there may be slight differences.
This material is first printed or dyed and then later sewn onto the cover. While colors are designed to be consistent, there may be uneven coloring or slight shade variances between covers. This may also happen across a single cover, such as a pocket compared to the rest of the cover. In addition, on rare occasions, there may be small black or white dots visible on the print. This is an unavoidable aspect of the manufacturing process.
When this cover is open flat, exterior stitching areas may appear puckered and lining material may be loose.
Due to the characteristics of the print and product material, the sewing process may expose the white of the original material around the stitches.
The silk print may eventually peel or come off with daily use.
The pen holders are rigid at first, making it difficult to insert pens. You can speed up the breaking-in process by rolling the pen holders in your hand.
The pen holder is designed to perfectly fit the 12.2 mm (0.48”) diameter Jetstream pen offered as a free bonus gift with select Japanese-version Hobonichi Web Shop products. Pens with certain shapes and materials may be difficult to pull through the holder. The holder can fit pens up to 13.5 mm (0.53”) in diameter.
Please avoid storing your product in hot, humid places or placing it atop other objects for long periods of time as this may result in lower quality and color stains.